How To Set Up Your Game Event Queue (Threaded) [Tutorial]

Hi all,

Finally back with a simple, but hopefully helpful, tutorial for you all to get an working event queue in a threaded environment.  In this case I will be using Android C++ and JNI as my playground to demonstrate.

What is an event queue

An event queue is a list of events that has occurred since your last game loop iteration.  Possible Events are:

  • Button presses on game controllers
  • Screen touch events (press up/down, multi touch, etc).
  • Keyboard events

So what is the point of this anyhow?  

Many times events will occur in the middle of your game loop, asynchronously.  In Android, they occur on a different thread by default, usually called the "UI thread".

If you process them as they come in on your "UI Thread" you could end up with some nasty concurrency bugs and crashes due to processing the event (in your game etc) right while the game loop thread is updating the same data.

This leads to some epic head scratching and lovely stack traces and pulling out some addr2line kung fu! (or ndk-stack in Android > NDK r6)

08-22 23:27:40.730: INFO/DEBUG(65): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
08-22 23:27:40.730: INFO/DEBUG(65): Build fingerprint: 'htc_wwe/htc_bravo/bravo/bravo:2.2/FRF91/218634:user/release-keys'
08-22 23:27:40.730: INFO/DEBUG(65): pid: 2474, tid: 2485  >>> com.test <<<
08-22 23:27:40.730: INFO/DEBUG(65): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000001
08-22 23:27:40.790: INFO/DEBUG(65):          #00  pc 00018656  /data/data/com.t

Let's spare you all that. You've got enough to deal with in finishing your game!

Android only solution

Ok, if you're only going to be using android this could be the easiest solution.

// In the class that handles your input
   *  Handle all touch events for the game

  public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)

    final View v1 = v;
    final MotionEvent event1 = event;
        gl_surface.queueEvent(new Runnable() { 
            public void run()
              onTouchRenderThread(v1, event1);
            } });
    return true;

// ....

Take note of queueEvent.  queueEvent will queue the event handler you've specified (in this case onTouchRenderThread()) to be called on the Render Thread.  If you're lazy like me, you probably do all your game loop within the render thread, which is fine for small simple games.  This works great and pipes the event to be consumed by the render thread and you don't get any concurrency issues and all is right with the world.

Portable solution

Ok, what about if we want to port to IOS, Windows phone etc and we don't want to rewrite the event handling code?  Maybe these platforms don't have the same convenience function(s)?  That's where rolling your own event queue could make sense for your project.

We could write the solution in pure C++ (well except we are using JNI for capturing the event here but ignore that :) ), that way the crux of the event code is in a portable format that can be logic tested easier on multiple platforms.

If using Java for handling in coming events in Android, you'll still have this portion of (not as portable) code.  Notice there's no need for queueEvent, as we are going to handle concurrency by just mutexing the read and writes to the event queue itself.

Put on your C++ hat!  Here's a simple event queue for us to use:

 *  Input types for the input queue
typedef enum {

 * Describe an input event
class InputEvent

  InputEventType type;
  int finger_num;
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  double percentage_zoom;

  InputEvent(InputEventType type_, int finger_num_, float x_,
  float y_, float z_, double percentage_zoom_):


class InputHandler



    /// Mutext to make sure input isn't written to by two threads at the
    /// same time
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;

    /// List of events to consume on render thread when ready
    std::vector<InputEvent> queued_events;

    void queueEvent(const InputEvent& event);
    void getQueuedEvents(std::vector<InputEvent>& events);

    void processTouchDownDetected(int finger_num, float x, float y);
    void processTouchDownSingleFingerScreenSpace( 
        int finger_num, int x, int y);
    void processTouchDownMultiFingerScreenSpace(
    int finger_num, int x, int y);

    void processTouchUpScreenSpace(int finger_num, int x, int y);
    void processMoveSingleFingerScreenSpace(int finger_num, int x, int y);



      pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
      memset(last_touch, 0, sizeof(last_touch[0])*INPUT_FINGERS_SUPPORTED);

    InputHandler(const InputHandler& i);

    static InputHandler& getInstance()
      static InputHandler input;
      return input;


I put in some basic events that you can use for touch, scroll and zoom etc.  If you'd like to extend it for controllers/keyboards you can add int input_button to the InputEvent class etc and another event to the enum KEYBOARD_INPUT_EVENT, etc.

Here's that same Java code from earlier without the queueEvent function, shortcut. We don't need it since our own C++ InputQueue code will handle everything.

// In the class that handles your input

   *  Handle all touch events for the game

  public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)
    onTouchRenderThread(v, event);
    return true;

// ....

This is the Java Touch event handler (all variants of touch events). It just makes sense of the types of touch events.

 What this does in this section isn't so important (so don't get bogged down by it), it's just shown as an example of how the data flows to native event handling.  I just wanted to be a bit verbose:

   *  Handle all touch events for the game (to be called in render thread)

  public boolean onTouchRenderThread(final View v, final MotionEvent event)

    // Send all point data
    int touches = event.getPointerCount();
    int action = event.getActionMasked();

    //Log.v(Logging.TAG, "OnTouch() called..\n");

    switch(action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK)

      // First finger down
      case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:

          active_pointer_id = event.getPointerId(0);

          processTouchDownDetected(touches-1, event.getX(), event.getY());

        // First finger up
      case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:

          active_pointer_id = event.getPointerId(0);

          processTouchUpDetected(touches-1, event.getX(), event.getY());
          two_fingers_were_down = false;

        // Second finger down
      case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:

          Log.v(Logging.TAG, touches + " ACTION_POINTER down...\n");
          processTouchDownDetected(touches-1, event.getX(touches-1),

          two_fingers_were_down = true;

          //          Log.v(Logging.TAG, "pointer[0] " + last_touch[0] +
          //              "pointer[1]" + last_touch[1]);
          //          processMoveSingleFinger(0, event.getX(0), event.getY(0));



        // Second finger up
      case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:

          Log.v(Logging.TAG, touches + " Finger up...\n");


        // Moving finger down
      case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

          //final int index = event.findPointerIndex(active_pointer_id);
          if(touches > 1)

            processTouchDownDetected(0, event.getX(0),
            processTouchDownDetected(1, event.getX(1),

            double distance = last_touch[0].distance(last_touch[1]);

          else if(two_fingers_were_down == false)
            Log.v(Logging.TAG, "Moved Finger down...\n");
            processMoveSingleFinger(0, event.getX(0), event.getY(0));



    if(touches <= 1 || 
      (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) != MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE)

      last_distance = 0;

    return true;

// ....

  /// Input event functions
  private native void processMoveSingleFinger(int finger, float x, float y);
  private native void processTouchDown(int finger, float x, float y);
  private native void processTilt(float x, float y, float z);
  private native void processTouchDownMultiFinger(int finger, float x, float y);
  private native void processTouchUp(int finger, float x, float y);
  private native void processPinchZoomNative(double distance);
  private native void processScroll(float x, float y);

Ok back to C++.  The following is an example of a Touch input handler in C++.

The oddly named function Java_com_razzlegames_HoarderMonkey_MyRenderer_processTouchDown is where JNI sends this particular touch event.

The function  InputHandler::processTouchDownSingleFingerScreenSpace, is where the event, is finally queued for the render thread (or whatever your main game logic sits in) to consume.

Keep in mind, we are still 100% in the UI thread for these call backs.


 *  Call back for single finger touches (in screen space)

void InputHandler::processTouchDownSingleFingerScreenSpace(
    int finger_num, int x, int y)


  first_touch = Vector2Di(x,y);
  Vector2Df world_coord =

  setLastTouch(x, y);

  queueEvent(InputEvent(TOUCH_DOWN_SINGLE_FINGER_INPUT_EVENT, finger_num, 
        world_coord.x, world_coord.y, 0, 0));


// This is just so we can decide not include this for other build platforms!
#ifdef ANDROID_NDK   


 *  Call back for single finger touches

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_razzlegames_HoarderMonkey_MyRenderer_processTouchDown(
    JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint finger, jfloat x, jfloat y)

  LOGD("Process touch down!");
  InputHandler& input_handler = InputHandler::getInstance();
  input_handler.processTouchDownSingleFingerScreenSpace(finger, x, y);



#endif // ANDROID_NDK

Ok here's where we are finally going to queue up the message for main game loop thread to consume:


void InputHandler::queueEvent(const InputEvent& event)


This is where we get the events.  Call this from the main Game loop thread:


void InputHandler::getQueuedEvents(std::vector<InputEvent>& events)

  events = queued_events;


 [ I decided to use a pass by reference, std::vector<InputEvent>& events, since I just didn't want to waste recreating all the vector and all the events on the stack by passing it back with return. If you prefer that method, it probably won't be much of a concern for performance. On average you won't queue up that many user input events in 1/60th - 1/30th of a second :)  (from my tests I was able to get a backlog of events of only a max of 2 or 3).  ]

Let's put it all together...

This is where all your hard work pays off and you actually use the event queue from your main Game loop, thread.

It's completely thread safe now since we are using pthread mutex to block reading and writing to the queue.

 * Advance the game simulation

void Game::stepGame()

  Renderer&amp; renderer = Renderer::getInstance();




 * Process all Input events from the input thread

void Game::processInputQueue()

  InputHandler&amp; input_handler = InputHandler::getInstance();
  vector<InputEvent> events; 
  for(InputEvent e: events)
    // Do things with events!

Yay, you have synchronized Input Events!

You should now have a working structure to build your InputEvent queue for Android and tie it to your C++ game logic.  You can use this same InputEvent queue code for IOS, Android, Linux, probably even Windows with a Cygwin compiler.  

Please feel free to ask any questions below and have fun coding and learning!


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